I knew it would be inevitable that once I started a video on the prosperity movement exposing my former pastor, Mikel Brown, some of his members would be upset. My mind was at ease though because I had prayed about doing the series and I knew God could use my testimony to open the eyes of those blinded by the prosperity gospel. I've lost some friends but what I have gained is of infinite value.... finding my treasure in Christ and finding satisfied in God alone.
I am sure that those of you who have been members of a cult or an abusive church know how hard it is to speak out about the experience; especially when you are warning people out of a love for God and the gospel. Let God tell them some may say. However, if you saw someone poison the food of a legally blind person would you warn them? or would you let them find out for themselves? We must warn others when they are being poisoned by a false gospel. How can we say that Christ is in us when we are afraid to stand up for the true gospel just because we may loose some friends or even family members? Did Christ not say he didn't come to bring peace but a sword?
There are many of you who believe that your pastor or the televangelists you see on TV aren't false teachers because they are so nice, quote scriptures, or because they attribute what they are doing and what they have to God...but that is why they deceive so many of you. Satan's agents will always come as angels of light. They will lead you on a path that seems right but in the end will lead to destruction....those aren't my words that's the bible folks. Even when I was apart of Mikel Brown's church I was never the type of person who would write someone off because they questioned my pastor. If someone were to say to me today that my current pastor was a heretic based on him teaching x, y, and z...then I would look at what is presented to me and match it with the word to see if he is teaching heresies. Some of you defend your pastors before you defend what you believe to be the gospel. Yeah, I said it but it's the truth! Some of you worship your pastors and these televangelists you see on TV. You have become so blinded by the affections that you have for them that you don't search and test their teachings.
I am sure that those of you who have been members of a cult or an abusive church know how hard it is to speak out about the experience; especially when you are warning people out of a love for God and the gospel. Let God tell them some may say. However, if you saw someone poison the food of a legally blind person would you warn them? or would you let them find out for themselves? We must warn others when they are being poisoned by a false gospel. How can we say that Christ is in us when we are afraid to stand up for the true gospel just because we may loose some friends or even family members? Did Christ not say he didn't come to bring peace but a sword?
There are many of you who believe that your pastor or the televangelists you see on TV aren't false teachers because they are so nice, quote scriptures, or because they attribute what they are doing and what they have to God...but that is why they deceive so many of you. Satan's agents will always come as angels of light. They will lead you on a path that seems right but in the end will lead to destruction....those aren't my words that's the bible folks. Even when I was apart of Mikel Brown's church I was never the type of person who would write someone off because they questioned my pastor. If someone were to say to me today that my current pastor was a heretic based on him teaching x, y, and z...then I would look at what is presented to me and match it with the word to see if he is teaching heresies. Some of you defend your pastors before you defend what you believe to be the gospel. Yeah, I said it but it's the truth! Some of you worship your pastors and these televangelists you see on TV. You have become so blinded by the affections that you have for them that you don't search and test their teachings.
We are all called to be like the Bereans and to search and test the teachings of others. Paul commended the Bereans and consistently exhorted the readers of his epistles to do the same. David rebuked Saul. Nathan rebuked David. Paul rebuked Peter. There are countless of other instances of rebuking others to bring about repentance. It's biblical and necessary with the mess that is going on within the Body of Christ today. Anyone who tells you not to question a spiritual leaders teaching is someone you should avoid.
Any spiritual leader who refuses to answer your questions about their doctrine is not a person you should be learning from. Don't allow your pastor to give you some lame excuse. 1 Peter 3: 15 says we are to always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks us to give an account for the hope that is in us. The English word apologetics comes from the Greek word translated as defense in that verse. Peter is insisting that believers must understand what we believe, why we are Christians, and then be able to articulate one's beliefs humbly, thoughtfully, reasonably, and biblically. If your pastor tells you that he is teaching the full gospel but avoids the scriptures that contradict the prosperity gospel you should be concerned. I know you who are in the prosperity gospel have read scriptures that contradict the teaching that God wants you healthy, wealthy, and ful of life. If you haven't I can show you some.
When a pastor can't and refuses to answer questions regarding what he is teaching this should raise some flags. A lot of you take what these false teachers say as being the gospel truth just because they claim to be called by God and have the title "Dr" or "Bishop" at the beginning of their names.....do some research people! Some of these pastors are lying about their degrees and some of them get these questionable degrees from degree mills or diploma mills (look at links below). You must ask yourself why would a pastor or anyone want to get a degree from a university that is not accredited? Some of these false teachers will also claim to have an undergraduate degree from an accredited university but then claim to have a graduate degree from a non-accredited university but does that make any sense? You be the judge.
Now I am not saying that you must have a degree in order to understand the bible. I am saying that if you are going to spend money on a degree it would be wise to make sure the educational institution is regionally accredited. I am also encouraging you to ask questions about the degrees your pastor or these televangelists are claiming to have. I am close to finishing up my bachelor's degree and with all the work I am putting in for this degree you had better believe I will be more than happy to show it someone should they ask....transcripts and all. Could we say the same for some of the pastors claiming to have all of these degrees? of course not, because they probably aren't telling the truth about their educational backgrounds.
Now I know someone might say well what does that have to do with anything? It is very important when you consider that these false teachers will go to the degree of lying about their educational backgrounds just to deceive you into believing that they know what they are taking about. These false teachers want to give you the impression that they are spirit lead and have studied biblical theology extensively making them more than qualified to teach you. But are they?
Stay tuned for part two..........
Here are some links for those of you interested!
List of Unaccredited Institutions of Higher Learning:
Wikipedia Definition of "Diploma Mill":
Wikipedia Definition of "Honorary Degree":
Friends International Christian University -
Life Christian University-
Any spiritual leader who refuses to answer your questions about their doctrine is not a person you should be learning from. Don't allow your pastor to give you some lame excuse. 1 Peter 3: 15 says we are to always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks us to give an account for the hope that is in us. The English word apologetics comes from the Greek word translated as defense in that verse. Peter is insisting that believers must understand what we believe, why we are Christians, and then be able to articulate one's beliefs humbly, thoughtfully, reasonably, and biblically. If your pastor tells you that he is teaching the full gospel but avoids the scriptures that contradict the prosperity gospel you should be concerned. I know you who are in the prosperity gospel have read scriptures that contradict the teaching that God wants you healthy, wealthy, and ful of life. If you haven't I can show you some.
When a pastor can't and refuses to answer questions regarding what he is teaching this should raise some flags. A lot of you take what these false teachers say as being the gospel truth just because they claim to be called by God and have the title "Dr" or "Bishop" at the beginning of their names.....do some research people! Some of these pastors are lying about their degrees and some of them get these questionable degrees from degree mills or diploma mills (look at links below). You must ask yourself why would a pastor or anyone want to get a degree from a university that is not accredited? Some of these false teachers will also claim to have an undergraduate degree from an accredited university but then claim to have a graduate degree from a non-accredited university but does that make any sense? You be the judge.
Now I am not saying that you must have a degree in order to understand the bible. I am saying that if you are going to spend money on a degree it would be wise to make sure the educational institution is regionally accredited. I am also encouraging you to ask questions about the degrees your pastor or these televangelists are claiming to have. I am close to finishing up my bachelor's degree and with all the work I am putting in for this degree you had better believe I will be more than happy to show it someone should they ask....transcripts and all. Could we say the same for some of the pastors claiming to have all of these degrees? of course not, because they probably aren't telling the truth about their educational backgrounds.
Now I know someone might say well what does that have to do with anything? It is very important when you consider that these false teachers will go to the degree of lying about their educational backgrounds just to deceive you into believing that they know what they are taking about. These false teachers want to give you the impression that they are spirit lead and have studied biblical theology extensively making them more than qualified to teach you. But are they?
Stay tuned for part two..........
Here are some links for those of you interested!
List of Unaccredited Institutions of Higher Learning:
Wikipedia Definition of "Diploma Mill":
Wikipedia Definition of "Honorary Degree":
The following institutions -- claiming alumni who are among the most prominent ministers in America -- have been identified as diploma mills or otherwise have a dubious history:
Friends International Christian University -
Life Christian University-
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